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It’s great for arts and crafts, decoration and more. Smart-Fab brings a new dimension to a wide range of design and decoration projects for schools, summer camps and youth activities, including impressive 3D creations such as costumes for school plays and pageants. Smart-Fab sparks the imagination, offering a wealth of creative possibilities.

Smart-Fab is also ideal for creating full-scale decorative themes for ceremonies and special occasions, including banners, bunting and draping effects. It’s easy to cut, ruffle and staple for table coverings, skirts and center pieces. And, it can be used to decorate fair booths and stalls.

From creating colorful stage scenery to making temporary tents, sunshades and area dividers, Smart-Fab offers an affordable alternative to old-fashioned materials. Less expensive than cloth and stronger than paper, Smart-Fab doesn’t fade, rip or fray, so you can use it outdoors or indoors.

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